Cutting Tool Market Report

The latest data and analysis on the cutting tool market.

The Cutting Tool Market Report (CTMR) is jointly compiled by AMT and USCTI. Together, our associations represent the development, production, and distribution of cutting tool technology and products. The report provides a monthly statement on U.S. manufacturers’ consumption of the primary consumable in the manufacturing process – the cutting tool. Analysis of cutting tool consumption is a leading indicator of both upturns and downturns in U.S. manufacturing activity as it is a true measure of actual production levels.

Explore the Cutting Tool Product Group Survey Program.

The Cutting Tool Market Report is compiled using data collected from the Cutting Tool Product Group survey program. Participants include U.S. cutting tool manufacturers, engineering and design companies, and distributors. All participants gain access to the most current and comprehensive cutting tool market information. Explore the program to learn more.

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