Recently, the White House released an updated National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing. The interrelated goals and objectives of the strategy include developing and implementing advanced manufacturing technologies, growing the advanced manufacturing workforce, and building resilience into the manufacturing supply chain.
The strategy, along with its goals, objectives, and recommendations, aligns very closely with AMT’s Manufacturing Mandate.
Among the recommendations to grow the workforce in our industry, the strategy includes an objective to expand and diversify the advanced manufacturing talent pool. It indicates that one way to do so is by promoting awareness of advanced manufacturing career pathways through events.
Events like the Smartforce Student Summit at IMTS in September and Manufacturing Day in October connect the next generation with high-profile manufacturing companies and show students their possible career pathways to encourage them to seek a career in our industry.

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This infographic demonstrates about a dozen careers in the advanced manufacturing industry that are in the highest demand. These career pathways and many more were on display for students to engage with and learn about during the Smartforce Student Summit at IMTS 2022. In addition, students nearing graduation had the opportunity to use Smartforce Career Connections, a sort of digital career fair that allowed them to aim their smartphone cameras at unique QR codes to directly connect to the “Careers” pages of many of our exhibitors – and the available open jobs at those companies.
To attract the next generation to our industry, we must be as innovative in our workforce development as we are in our new product and technology development. What has changed in your company’s promotion, attraction, and recruiting strategies that is allowing you to compete in today’s talent pool?