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Five Days until Manufacturing Technology Leaps Forward

As soon as IMTS 2022 kicks off in just five days, you’ll notice time moving a little quicker. IMTS allows ideas that were germinating to leap toward reality.
Sep 06, 2022

As soon IMTS 2022 kicks off in just five days, you’ll notice that once that ribbon is cut, time starts to move just a little quicker than it did moments before.

Two years of planning and promoting and preparing seems to pass in the blink of an eye, but, more significantly, the speed of innovation itself seems to increase. IMTS allows ideas that were germinating to leap closer toward reality; it encourages passions for STEM; and it accelerates trends in our industry that we’ve all seen and read about.

That’s one of IMTS’ superpowers—it makes time speed up and from September 12-17 the future will seem just a little bit nearer than it was before. And it all starts in just five days.

Many of us have been here for more than a week already. For a show this important—to the industry, to the next generation of manufacturing leaders and to the future as a whole—there’s a fair amount to do to get McCormick Place ready for your arrival, and by "a fair amount" I mean more than 3,400 people here on-site who, since August 29, have been:

-Unpacking 4,500 truck loads;

-Unloading 54 million pounds of freight using 400 forklifts, 100 condors and 16 cranes; and

-Laying down nearly 70 miles of carpet (enough to stretch from Chicago to Kenosha, WI).

Come September 12 though, it'll all come together—every bead of sweat and every ounce of hard work that went into planning the show and into getting McCormick Place ready will result in everything that IMTS 2022 has to offer. A showcase of new technologies. An endless list of mind-blowing attractions. Tailor-made pavilions for a bespoke trade show experience. Job Shops. Conferences. Sessions demonstrating that Women Make Manufacturing Move. A SmartForce Student Summit featuring the manufacturing classroom of the future. An IMTS main stage with more headliners than Lollapalooza.

All that's missing is you—the 100,000+ heroes of a new manufacturing revolution that'll start here, in Chicago, at IMTS 2022 in just. Five. Days.

We can’t wait to see what you find when you get here.

Peter R. Eelman
Chief Experience Officer
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